I'd like to say a big thanks to Debs, Cathy, Pauline C, Sammi, Nessy, Cass, Donna, Sarah C, Vicki May, Jo, and lastly but by no means least...Kerry for passing this award onto me. Thank you all so much for thinking of me. Please go and visit their blogs as they are all amazing!

I'm now meant to pass this on to seven more blogs so I hope you can all forgive me if I just pass it on once this time...you can slap my wrists later!
I'm going to pass it on to my amazing friend Tina...with a huge hug after all her hysterical e-mails this week that have really cheered me up. Thanks babe!
Thanks to everyone for all the tagging lately but I'm going to pass on it this time if no one minds as I think you have all had it anyway!! LOL!
And finally many, many thanks to the girls at thisthursday who picked my necklace as one of their favourite 15. Am really happy with this as its now given me the confidence to have another go! Thanks girls!
Off to the fracture clinic now with Jake so will see you all later when I pop over for a visit!
Hugs to everyone,

Congratulations on your awards Emma and your necklace being chosen in the top 15 :)
awwww thank you !
I am glad to see you back online, was getting worried about you!
glad you are still about ,was getting worried!!
vanessa xx
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