Hi everyone.
As most of you know I've been having a really hard time with my Fibromyalgia since we moved back to the UK. I don't really like talking about it especially on here (that's why I never mention it!) but the one good thing about getting to know you all is that no one judges me on my speech or walking stick.
One of the downsides to the pills I take is weight gain (yes as well as the wine and chocolate!) but for the past 7 weeks I have been working hard on losing the weight. Its been really tough especially as I cannot exercise...but I reached a milestone this week and want to share it with you!! I needed to lose 1lb to reach my stone target...but I have lost another 3lb this week which takes me well over it!!!
I've dropped a dress size and feel so much better for it. I know most of you will be thinking...and?...but for me this means an awful lot.
So to share my big grin...and boy is it a big one...I'm offering this candy. Its also my way of saying thanks to you all for the lovely support you give me. One nice comment on a bad day always makes the world seem brighter...so thank you!
The last candy I gave away was pink and green so I have picked yellow and blue this time. There's all sorts...ribbon, button, fibres,brads, chipboard flowers for you to decorate, papers, flowers, fabric etc, etc!
All you need to do, if you want to take part, is leave a link on your blog to mine...AND...l would love you to leave me a comment sharing one of your achievements. It can be a little one like mine...but if it makes you proud when you think of it then please share it with me!
I'll get Belle to draw a name on Saturday the 28th. Thanks so much for reading!

Hi Emma, Congratulations on reaching your goal and some!!! My most recent achievement was being asked to join Dottie's World design team by Louise, Karen and Nicola. The candy looks womderful by the way.
Juliet xx
Well done on reaching and getting further on your target. I know it is difficult losing normally without having the challenges you have had to face. So a big congrats!!!
My achievement was selling my cards for school. It's always nice to know others appreciate the work you put into cards and are willing to buy them as well as knowing the money is going towards good things.
Congratulations on reaching your goal! I'm afraid I can't count weight loss as one of mu achievements. My weight record card at Sliming World seems to have flat lined!
I suppose one of my proudest achievements was getting an award from the Mayor for services to teaching. It was a special day.
Hi Emma, well done. Don't put yourself down, losing weight is hard and takes determination and motivation and you've achieved your goal - so yay to you!!!
My achievement so far this year is also to lose a stone in weight (but much more to go yet - why is chocolate so yummy?). Keep up the good work. Lots of love, Denise x
hi emma if fab you have reached your target and gone over it Congratulations,My achievement was last week i lossed 3lb and i'm a great aunt now
oh and keep up the good work :)
tracy xx
Hi hun and great big CONGRATULATIONS to you!! Really pleased for you - I know you've been having a tough time lately, so this is fab news. My greatest achievement of this year so far has been walking out of a job where I was being abused, working my butt off to find something else for 5 months, and now having 2 jobs, both of which mean that my boss is ME!!! Proud of you, babe xxx
Hi Emma! Congrats on reaching your target and more! :)
My recent achievement was that I can do a proper headstand already! I'm so proud of myself :)
congratulations emma ~well done you!! have you treated yourself to a nice new outfit?? think you deserve one!! keep up the good work!
well my acheivement this week is to be strong, wipe away the tears and be positive!! not much ,i know ,but thats how i`m coping for aaron!!
biggest hugs coming your way!!
vanessa xx
ps we are always here to listen ,and offer support ,but never judge!! :~)
Hiya. I'm a newbie to yur blog but wanted to say a HUGE well done anyway. My achievement isn't as big as yours as I'm at the other end of the journey - I joined Slimming World last week :o) After 1 week I have lost 2lbs which I'm sooo chuffed about. A long way still to go though.
well done you, i know it's so difficult to keep weight down when your exercise is limited i am struggling myself at the moment with the back pain restricting my exercising
so annoyed with myself as gone up to a size 12 and have always been a 10 but just can't shift it as the moment as my excersise has dropped so much due to the pain being so difficult at the moment so so happy for you being able to get your's under control keep up the good work
Reading your story about your achievement made me cry... why? well because you are a strong strong woman who has obviously been through so much but can celebrate what some people take for granted... that for me is what I see is my achievement.
I have been through many forms of abuse in my life.. that I do not need to go into. Add to that a couple of breast cancers, having a gun held to my head, another rare cancer,not being able to have a baby,being bullied at work, about to lose my home and some other stuff that for legal reasons I can not write about (YET) but overall my biggest achievement is that I'm still here and can get enjoyment from dst and paper!!! and of course being able to blog hop and be part of a community that cares...
So YAY to you, carry on getting high from the ordinary stuff in life... celebrate the rain that feeds the plants and trees, sink into that warm bath and come out smelling like heaven.. snuggle into that bed with fresh sheets... you know what I mean... :D:D I know you do!!
Am off to link your lovely blog and candy
Hi Emma - well done!! that's an amazing achievement - I started my ""diet"" about the same time as you (7th May the be exact) and I have lost a total of 9lb and almost dropped a dress size - so I am inspired by you to carry on!!
Thanks for offering fab blog candy, I will post a link to you!
Have a fab weekend!
Sue. x x x
Congratulations Emma, that's a huge achievment! I've got ME so I know how hard it is to lose weight when you can't exercise much, and constantly want to comfort eat. So you should be really proud!
My biggest achievement is probably passing my driving test. Having ME, it was really tough but I started off small and built up. It's changed my life, so I'm so pleased I managed to do it :-)
Congrats again!
Hi Emma, thanks for visiting me over at my blog and leaving such lovely comments :)
Awwwww thank you ver much Emma, you are very kind. Lovely comments like that make it all worthwhile :)
I hope you have fun with Tarquin, if you remember to take a photo this time I'd love to it ?
I am such a lazy mare I have a hugggggggge file of images to go through and clean up and scan in. Keep checking back another friend is going to be added very soon :)
Cheers ears
Rachel :)
I've just blogged a link back here re your blog candy candy Emma :)
Congratulations on the weitht loss :) I'm trying to fight that dreaded battle myself. Still doing better I did lose a 1lb last week and have gotten back on the excercise bike :)
My biggest achievements are my two wonderfull kids. Even though one isn't sleeping at the moment because he's scared of the curtain monster, hence I'm walking around like a zomie through lack of sleep and my DD has turned into Kevin the teenagers twin sis LOL
Congratulations on surpassing your goal!
I think my biggest achievement is my kids, I'm so proud of them. Apart from that I did teach myself to juggle a few years ago!
I've left a link on my blog to spread the good news.
Jen x
Phoenix Crafts
hello Emma, Just recieved the images today, there's a great variation and I love the card, Ive put a pic on my blog =)
Infact 1 image Ive been thinking about buying myself lol
Thank you for commenting the cards I made last nyt =)
Congratulations on reaching your goal as well I bet your feeling really good about yourself =)
If you ever want to do an image swap with me again feel free to ask as id be very happy too =)
Well done on loosing weight!
I have added a link to my blog for you.
Many Thanks
Hi Emma well done on reaching your goal. I am a fellow sufferer of Fibromyalgia and have been for a number of years, I also have medication that causes weight gain. My goal was managing the whole weekend away in May for my sons wedding. This might seem an odd thing to say to anyone that doesn't understand FMS., but Emma does I know!!
I love your blog Emma and I have added you to my blog roll
Jane x
How generous! I am glad that I dound ya through another blog!
My accomplishment... HOMESCHOOLING! Wowzer... is this something to do! But worth every minute!
Hi Emma
I hope that you are now settled in Scotland.
The blog is fabulous, your cards are inspiring.
Well my most recent achievement was giving up "coke cola" that was back in March, I haven't yet lost much weight but my body seems to be happy without it. If I could just give up crisps I'm sure that I could actually loose some weight.....Well done on dropping a dress size.
(((((((((((Hugs )))))))))))))))
Congrats on the new dress size!! I know how hard it is, as I cannot seem to do it! LOL
Congratulations on reaching your goal! I definately need to work on losing weight too but I guess I need a little more motivation.. ugh... My goal was about 10 years ago to make it through Basic training for the Army. I did and I spent another 5 years after that serving in the Military. I loved it! I'll add a link on my blog this morning.. Hope I win, it's great blog candy!
Well done i know how hard it can be to loose weight specially when medication is fighting against you. I would love to swop blog links with you if you don't mind :D mini hugs Juliet
CONGRATULATIONS Emma - very well done and I am sooooo pleased for you. :) :)
Have linked my blog to yours, thanks for the chance of some fabby candy. :) :)
Debbie xx
Ps can't wait to see you creations with Debs Designs. :) :)
Hi Emma,well done on the weight loss. I know how difficult it is to shift weight.My biggest achievements were also losing a lot of weight (I won't say how much)I'll tell my story on my blog some day when I'm brave enough to do so,and also my precious boy who I never thought I'd ever have.
Cass xxx
Hi Emma! That's fantastic!! whoo!! :) Great work! :)
I've been trying to think... about 5 years ago I lost about 20 kilos (on the Naturopaths orders).
This week I managed to say "No" and not feel guilty!! I think I can do it again! (I always seem to do too much)
(((((((HUG)))))) well done Emma for achieving and passing your goal ,
another ((((( hug))))) because you are a wonderful person ,caring and generous ,
P.S. I'm loving your new camera love pink :)
Sorry forgot to leave my achievement :)
one of my daily achievements is spend some quality time with my family
Well done to you hun, that is an amazing achievement... :-D
Congratulations Emma! Something very much worth celebrating! And scrummy candy too - have put a link on my blog, so please, please, please pick me!!!
Hiya Emma, omg, 14lb? That's mega. Think i'll go on a diet now too and post my losses on my blog each week. Dead proud of you.
Achievements? I as paralysed a few years ago when my disc exploded and all the pieces ended up in my spinal chords. Thanks to a superb surgeon and lots of physio i came through it quite quickly and was able to walk...ish quite quickly once the bits were removed. Still have nerve pain caused by the damage and walk with a stupid limp but am so proud to be able to walk at all.
Sending you a massive hug hun.
Mand xxx
Congratulations on the weight loss, I know what it is like having problems myself.
Going to add your blog candy link to my blog candy alert section right away. Thanks for offering such lovely blog candy!
Oh Emma, sorry you are not having the best of times, but CONGRATULATIONS on reaching your target. I always have good intentions, for about a week!!
My greatest achievement this week has been getting out all of Butch's bowls, toys and bed when my Mum's dog came to stay, without breaking down into a sobbing heap - there were tears, but we didn't drown!!
Will link your fab candy on my blog.
I do hope you feel better soon,
Cathy xx
Hi Emma, i found your page through Molly's and wanted to say congrats on the weight loss! I also have M.E. and i know a lot of the symptoms overlap with Fibro, so i can understand how hard it is. You've done well and great blog candy! I'd like to enter please! I will also add you to my fave blogs list :o) Kate
Emma, I'm just doing a blog catch up so I've only just read your achievement. Way to go you, how amazing, Im so proud of you and pleased for you.
I know exactly how it feels to have the scales in your favour for once. I'm someone who's battled with weight for the last 23 years and finally getting to grips with it. I got on the scales in Boots on Saturday hoping to have lost 3lb, but I lost 2 instead. If I'd've lost 3, it would've taken me to a total loss of 3 stone!!! Still loads more to go, but it's going the right way for once.
Great times ahead for us all eh? xxxx
How sweet of you sweetheart. One of my proudest achievements was being able to inspire you to start crafting again when you lived in Gibralter and were so poorly. Do you remember? You made me cry when you told me. What an achievement!
Well done on the weight loss (I can sympathise with you greatly)
I have just added you to my blog :)
Hi Emma,
CONGRATULATIONS on reaching you target, it makes a world of difference when you achieve a little more than you bargained for!
So sorry you're not feeling to great though!
My biggest achievement was to give up smoking after a 20yr long 30 a day Habit, its been 4 yrs now and I'm never going back!!
hello, I didnt really have anything to include in this earlier this week but today that changed.
I lost my grandmother in the early hours of this morning (sunday) and its the hardest thing Ive had to go through, im having to be strong for both myself and my mum.
It hasnt totally sunk in yet ... but when it does im prepared for how hard its going to be.
Left a comment two days ago.. don't know where it went..I know I saw it among the comments yesterday, don't see it today!! :)
Like you I'm on a iiet after having two major ops and a lot of advice-making of doctors not to biuld too much wieght. That is an achievement (i lost 6 kilos till now) but my greatest achievement is dedicating my life to lovely kids who live sor a period of time in Children's Homes, and I'm happy for that! :) I wish that many more people experience the peace and joy that Charitable work gives you.. and oh, lovely blog you have, AND lovely candy :)
I am so glad that you feel the same way I do- comments bright days!!! :) Congrats on the weitght lose- I am way over weight and I am in a girlfriends weight lose competition and have lost about 1 lb a week but not enough to win. It is SOOOO hard! Congrats!
Congrats, my friend!
My latest achievement was being blogging customer of the month over at Dottie's World!
But I think my best ever achievement is being an Auntie! I love it and consider it a great privilege!
A link is on my blog!
Ruth x
When I studied I was this very shy girl and didn't even dare to answer the phone when it rang. But since I work I really grew open. I have maybe 20 phonecalls every day, a coordinating function in my office and I even got promotion.
I must say I'm much happier now.
Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
Sorry you've been having such a tough time lately Emma. Congrats on your weight loss, fantastic! I've lost around a stone myself and know how tough it is, but if I was having to cope with the side effects of tablets too I probably wouldn't make it. You're a star :o)
My achievement is that I have battled severe post natal depression twice and I'm still here to tell the tale. I might be a crazy old bat now but I think that would've been the case anyway, lol!
I'm glad to hear you made your goal and then some. That is great news. I know I have tried WW, but it is very slow due to so many food alergies. My biggest acheivement is perfect attendance at work for over 4 yrs. Never missed a day and never came in late or left early.
Congrats on achieving your goal - I'm new to your blog and am enjoying having a look round.
My achievement was being asked to join the This Thursday challenge blog.
Hi Emma, congrats on reaching your goal.
Great candy. your link is on my blog.
xoxo karin
well done on weight loss, as you know I am eating nowt but opal fruits today and I can really recommend it as a diet not to do!
love Teen xx
New to the blogging world,well done on your successful achievement. Mine is also along the same line and the achievement is still to keep the weight steady. Congratulations!
Hi there,
congrats with reaching your GOAL! And special thanks for the blogcandy! I linkes you on my blog:
Hugs Cheryl
Huge congratulations, Emma, on your achievement! I have a similar mountain to climb, and I am about to start, so you've no idea how encouraging it is to hear your story! :o)
And, of course, I would love the opportunity to join your blog candy draw, please! :o) I have put a link on the sidebar of my blog, HERE
What am I proud of recently? To my huge surprise, a few days ago, I was honoured by having one of my cards featured on the Inspirational blog. I was gobsmacked, and thrilled to bits!! :o)
Well done on reaching goal, I am just starting out on my diet.... went to WW tonight after weeks of deliberating, so I guess you could call that my most recent achievement! Fab blog candy, have left a link on my blog.
Sam x
AWW well done!!
An achievement well my darling kids say I'm not a technophobe just a techno disater so actually getting my blog up and running for me is FANTASTIC!!
Take care and a link to your candy is here
well done Emma on reaching your goal, losing weight is never easy no matter if its a little or a lot, so pat yourself on the back girl ...you deserve it.
My most recent achievement if you can call it that is manging to hold it together mentally and emotionally, as a family we have had 4 funerals in the space of 10 days, my hubby's uncle, my uncle's brother, my beloved gran and my best friend of 27 years lost her dad too, he was cremated this morning, so, It's been a real sad time for us, and i am thankful that the kids holidays started today and not this time last week. Things can only get better!
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